‘Nexos’ project. An articulating instance between high school and Universidad Nacional del Litoral


  • Marcel Mónica Blesio UNL
  • Rodrigo Facundo Hernández UNL
  • Ivana Soledad Morelli UNL
  • Lucía Magdalena Odetti UNL




postgraduate experience · interinstitutional actions · training for school management


This article reflects on an experience of articulation
of levels, which was developed within the framework
of a Project called Nexos, which was approved
by the University Policies Department of the Argentine
Ministry of Education and Sports and implemented by
Articulation and Admission Office, which depends on
the Department of Institutional and Academic Planning
of Universidad Nacional del Litoral; and the Provincial
Ministry of Education of Santa Fe. The project was
intended for schools located in the region, in particular
those in the Province of Santa Fe. In this sense,
this paper accounts for different actions taken from
May to December 2018, promoting the articulation

between university education and secondary schools,
thus encouraging and favoring the access of youth to
university studies. Also, it was intended to generate
institutional and curricular conditions which enable
genuine inclusive and permanence processes regarding
both university studies and the continuity of higher
studies through collaborative work among teachers and
students at both levels.



How to Cite

Blesio, M. M., Hernández, R. F., Morelli, I. S., & Odetti, L. M. (2019). ‘Nexos’ project. An articulating instance between high school and Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Itinerarios Educativos, (12), 161–170. https://doi.org/10.14409/ie.v0i12.8833



Experiences and projects