Practical problems in the execution of administrative sanctions: how to adequately deal with the administrative punitive power?


  • Luis Alberto Huamán Ordoñez Universidad Nacional de Huancavelica



Sanction, sanctioning power, enforceability, recourse, validity


The author focuses on the analysis and study of the practical problems that are generated at the moment in which the administration, after sanctioning, must specify such legal punishment in reality; In this regard, it opts for a careful analysis of the validity, effectiveness, of the administrative enforceability itself as well as of the recursive technique on the part of those who are affected by the public power holder of sanctioning powers in order to lead by good administration to the exercise of such powers of taxation of public administrations since there is a strong and solid distance between following neatly the formal path of sanctioning administrative activity compared to the wide space of punitive material activity, which leads to the fact that, in the real scenario, greater problems are caused to the administrative organization than those that have been generated by the subject subject to said public powers.

Author Biography

Luis Alberto Huamán Ordoñez, Universidad Nacional de Huancavelica




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How to Cite

Huamán Ordoñez, L. A. (2022). Practical problems in the execution of administrative sanctions: how to adequately deal with the administrative punitive power?. Euro-Latin American Journal of Administrative Law, 9(1), 61–74.