The access to decent housing: guiding principle of public policy social inclusion and soil management


  • Adriana Taller Universidad Nacional de Rosario



vivienda digna, acceso a la vivienda, derecho humano, derecho a la ciudad, tratados internacionales, instrumentos de gestión urbana, programas de acceso a la vivienda.


The importance of the right to housing, with its close links with other fundamental rights and private and public goods, explains its wide recognition in modern law and the evolution of the legal treatment given to it in the past millennia, "enjoy decent and adequate housing ", regardless of the legal title under which you access the use of that (ownership, lease, loan, possession, formally or precarious tenure thereof, etc.). This approach of "adequate housing" neglects its conception as sole object of private law and becomes a social good, which requires public policies for social and environmental nature involving all sectors of the population, regardless of their financial resources; making the "adequate housing" the guiding principle of public policies for social inclusion and land management. This implies that regulation of the dwelling in order to define the right to housing is centered not in the process of urbanization and building of cities, but I expanded his gaze towards the worthy and proper enjoyment of the dwelling, understanding of habitability , utilities, environment, access to natural and common resources, health, education, recreation, civic participation etc.

Author Biography

Adriana Taller, Universidad Nacional de Rosario

Profesora Titular por Concurso Público Nacional de la Asignatura de Derecho Administrativo – Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario – UNR (Rosario, Argentina). Vice-Directora de la Carrera de Especialización en Derecho Administrativo de la UNR. Directora del Centro de Investigaciones de la Facultad de Derecho de la UNR. Abogada Especializada en la Magistratura. Magister en Asesoramiento Jurídico de Empresas. Investigadora Categoría III del Programa de Incentivos del Ministerio de Educación de la Nación Argentina.



How to Cite

Taller, A. (2014). The access to decent housing: guiding principle of public policy social inclusion and soil management. Euro-Latin American Journal of Administrative Law, 1(1), 7–37.