"Explicar bien, aprender bien". La relación con el saber en las voces de los alumnos


  • Patricia Cademartori
  • Verónica Grimaldi




Mathematics, Secondary School, Relationship with knowledge, Students’ point of view


In this article we share some of the analysis that we have been producing within our research team about the relationship with school mathematical knowledge of teenagers who attend a public school located in a rural area on the suburbs of the city of La Plata.
Through in-depth interviews with some students, we find a particular richness linked to the considerations they make about their own school mathematics trajectory. The approach of a historical perspective that was configured throughout the interviews allowed us to identify, characterize and differentiate
various moments of their lives linked to different ways of relating to mathematical knowledge, mediated by different teachers. Unlike other works in which students view of a particular moment is analyzed, the possibility of historicizing their relationship with knowledge has led to the emergence of new
aspects to be studied. Incorporating the perspective of students in our study allows us to approach the understanding of certain positions that seem to be adopted in Mathematics classroom.

Author Biographies

Patricia Cademartori

Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata.

Verónica Grimaldi

Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata.



How to Cite

Cademartori, P., & Grimaldi, V. (2019). "Explicar bien, aprender bien". La relación con el saber en las voces de los alumnos. Yupana, (11), 58–74. https://doi.org/10.14409/yu.v0i11.8842


