Social studies of eating: culture, taste and consumption


  • Aldana Boragnio UBA (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina) IIGG (Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani) CIES (Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Sociológicos)



feeding, food consumption, eating practices, commensality, taste


Feeding is a behaviour aimed at obtaining the energy to carry out the functions that maintain the organism running as well as the development of its physical-cognitive abilities. However, eating is constituted as a complex system of sociocultural relationships, cohesion and conflict. Therefore, to understand why you eat what you eat we must place this food act within a context, a society, a specific time and space. In cities, the access depends on the market and on the State which is the responsible for the food production, availability, circulation and consumption. This article seeks to propose a theoretical journey from authors that allow us to focus on the intersections and frameworks that emerge from the relationship between food as a cultural fact, taste as a culturally organized and shaped sense, and food consumption in the creation of the current guest as a research object from social studies.

Author Biography

Aldana Boragnio, UBA (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina) IIGG (Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani) CIES (Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Sociológicos)

Doctora en Sociología por la Universidad de Alicante (UA). Magister en Investigación en Ciencias Sociales por la Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). Licenciada en Sociología (UBA). Integrante del Grupo de Estudios sobre la Sociología de las Emociones y los Cuerpos del Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani y del Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Sociológicos (CIES). Profesora en la materia Psicología Social de la carrera de Sociología de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Miembro del equipo editorial de la Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios sobre Cuerpos, Emociones y Sociedad (RELACES). Su trabajo de investigación se centra en las emociones, las prácticas del comer y las comensalidades de mujeres en el ámbito de oficinas públicas en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires.



How to Cite

Boragnio, A. (2021). Social studies of eating: culture, taste and consumption. Culturas, (14), 281–306.



Articles / Axis 6.