Appropriation of a common good in the Andes society and its resistance. «Agua», by José María Arguedas
Andes, common good, water crisis, gamonalism, environmental humanities, indigenousAbstract
In a world scenario of water crisis, in the so–called Anthropocene or better, Capitalocene, this article carries out a «close reading» of «Agua» (1935), the first story published by José María Arguedas. In an Andean area, the gamonal denies water to the indigenous community members desperate for the need for irrigation and gives it to his favourites, for which a fragile and violently crushed resistance is born. The water crisis is contextualized with a historical look at the Andean collective works originating in pre–Inca times, the collapse of the Tawantisuyo due to the European invasion and the dispossession and proprietor policies of the republican period that turned water from a common good into a commodity managed by the gamonales in exchange for the consolidation of their domination. The story is narrated by a child who is an autobiographical shadow of the author. The supportive and sorrowful Ernesto witnesses the suffering and also the indigenous culture and worldview. The value of symbols is analyzed, highlighting the leading role of Nature: water and sun. Questioning Mario Vargas Llosa's criticism of Argueda's work, it is pointed out that the story prepares for the confrontation of situations, such as the current one, in which scarcity of water reaches dramatic levels and where its nature as a common good is fundamental. The ability of the text to promote a hope that invigorates resistance to climate disaster and attempts at individualistic solutions over collective interests is also underlined.
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