Blur borders

The autobiographical performances of female artists from Santa Fe


  • María Gracia Tell Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias. Universidad Nacional del Litoral
  • Rosana Andrea Storti Escuela Provincial en Artes Visuales «Prof. Juan Mantovani» (Santa Fe)



Autobiographical performance - political body-public/political and private/personal


This work seeks to understand and explore the way in
which contemporary artists in Santa Fe conceived their
own body as autobiography, through a link between their intimate self and social commitment, between the private/personal and the public/political. From the approach to the artists’ lives, their trajectories and, especially, some of their works: Regurgitar/Libreta de Familia (Regurgitate/Family Notebook) (2019) by Rosana Storti, Cuando todo lo que se puede hacer es pensar que será posible (When all that can be done is to think that it will be possible) (2008) by Cintia Clara Romero and ¿Cuánto vacío puede llenar un mueble? (How much emptiness can a piece of furniture fill?) (2022) by Ariana Beilis, it is analyzed how the bodies in the autobiographical performances of women artists from Santa Fe embody the diffuse plots between the private/intimate and the public/political.



How to Cite

Tell, M. G., & Storti, R. A. (2024). Blur borders: The autobiographical performances of female artists from Santa Fe. Culturas, (18), e0038.



Artículos / Eje 1: Espacio público, prácticas artísticas y política