ESI and Pending Lessons: A Biographic Narrative Approach to Comprehensive Sexual Education with High School Teachers in Mar del Plata, Argentina
comprehensive sexual education, teacher education, biographic narrative research, un–learningAbstract
This project delves into the construction of teacher subjectivity in the context of a teacher–education research tradition at a State University in Argentina. Through the analysis of four brief stories, the article explores the experiences of female professors in regard to Comprehensive Sexual Education (ESI) from feminist–critical and queer perspectives. In Argentina, the Law that regulates ESI was passed almost twenty years ago; however, advancements in the rights involved have been modest. This qualitative research project tries to shed light on this state of the art, appealing to auto–biographic narrative research to understand both resistance and breakthroughs in this area. The most interesting findings reveal that the prevalence of conservative sexual biases seems to be the result of efficient educational moves —especially those which are silent and abound in the immanence of everyday life— and that personal crises are particularly valuable to interrupt common sense and trigger interest in Comprehensive Sexual Education.
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