From the observation of the child to the experience of perception in the teacher training for the Preschool education.

Philosophical reflections


  • María Luján Montiveros Universidad Nacional de San Luis (UNSL) - Instituto Superior Nuestra Señora del Carmen (ISNSC)



teacher training, modernity, observation, perception, phenomenology


This work takes place after a concern we have been dealing with as teacher trainers for the Preschool education, in relation to the way in which the students' insights into the childhoods are shaped at the teacher training career. We aim to share some dialogues and reflections that have been taking place in the last years among the practicum teachers’ staff at a preschool training college in San Luis province. We are especially interested in providing a place for discussion about the ways in which the educational sciences, under the influence of the cannons established by modern science, keep influencing the forms in which a particular insight about the children is configured at the prescholar teacher. Thus, it is our intention to put at hand, through phenomenology, some iceberg tips that get us closer to the students and teachers, to places and different points of perception and relation to the childhoods, allowing other forms of possible pedagogical relations at the Preschool teacher training college.

Author Biography

María Luján Montiveros, Universidad Nacional de San Luis (UNSL) - Instituto Superior Nuestra Señora del Carmen (ISNSC)

María Luján Montiveros  es Licenciada en Ciencias de la Educación (UNSL), Especialista en Educación Superior (UNSL). Especialista en Gestión y Conducción del Sistema Educativo y sus Instituciones (FLACSO). Profesora Adjunta. Asignaturas: Instituciones Educativas y Praxis 2: La práctica docente, las instituciones y el contexto. UNSL. Integrante del Proyecto de investigación PROICO N° 4–1920: Cambios y tendencias en la Educación Superior: políticas, sujetos y prácticas. Miradas desde la educación y la filosofía. UNSL. Doctoranda en la carrera Doctorado en Educación (UNR). Línea de investigación: formación docente, narrativa y experiencia educativa. 


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How to Cite

Montiveros, M. L. (2023). From the observation of the child to the experience of perception in the teacher training for the Preschool education. : Philosophical reflections. Itinerarios Educativos, (18), e0048.