Compulsory Schooling and Inclusion in Secondary Education: tensions and translations


  • María Celeste Cantini UNR
  • Camila Carlachiani UNR
  • Adriana Hereñú UNR



secondary education · compulsory schooling · inclusion · educational policies · translations


The present work constitutes an advance of
a research work entitled: «Inclusion and compulsory
schooling in secondary education: analysis of national
educational policies and their translations in the province
of Santa Fe, Argentina». This research is carried
out at the Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychopedagogy
of Universidad Abierta Interamericana,
in the city of Rosario, Santa Fe. The general objective
of this work is to identify and analyze the notions of
inclusion in national education policies for secondary
education and their translations in the province of Santa
Fe from 2006 till present.
This first advance addresses an analysis of the relationships,
dialogues, tensions, and translations about com-

pulsory schooling and inclusion in secondary education
as discussed in the guidelines provided by UNESCO
and national regulations such as the Argentine Education
Act, resolutions number 84/2009 and 93/2009 of
the Federal Council of Education of Argentina, and the
Complete Secondary Program developed in the province
of Santa Fe. The underlying meanings are analyzed
in relation to inclusion and compulsory schooling in
secondary education and the ways in which these categories
are captured and implemented in the policies
with the aim of elucidating certain continuities and
ruptures in their senses.



How to Cite

Cantini, M. C., Carlachiani, C., & Hereñú, A. (2019). Compulsory Schooling and Inclusion in Secondary Education: tensions and translations. Itinerarios Educativos, (12), 72–85.