The gesture of furniture


  • Carlos Pantaleón Panaro Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo. Universidad de la República



static, form, furniture, movement, perception


Without ignoring other manifestations of design that were internationally widespread, reached different levels of recognition, and became true icons, this article especially reflects on the movement of pieces of furniture. Beyond the movement that the piece itself may have, either its movement from one place to another or the internal movements that allow it to reduce or expand its size, such as folding, rolling, turning, balancing−, this reflection focuses on those pieces of furniture whose forms suggest movement. Reference will not be made, therefore, to the piece’s movement itself, which may not exist, but rather to the movement that evokes its form, anticipates it, or keeps it in suspense. We will address a potential movement, a situation of the object that could occur and is captured by our senses –especially vision– and our imagination. This condition, raised as a research premise, opens the field of analysis to a series of objects in which this property is detected –potential or suggested movement– ​​and achieved through different design resources generally associated with the form management.

Author Biography

Carlos Pantaleón Panaro, Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo. Universidad de la República

Arquitecto y doctor en Teoría y Práctica del Proyecto de Arquitectura por la Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (ETSA–UPM), España. Especialista en Conservación y Restauración de Monumentos y Centros Históricos por la Universidad Federal da Bahía, Brasil. Profesor titular Gº 5 del Instituto de Proyecto de la Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo, Universidad de la República (FADU–Udelar). Ha publicado libros individuales y en coautoría, artículos en revistas especializadas nacionales y extranjeras. Actualmente investiga sobre teoría y práctica del proyecto de arquitectura, diseño de mobiliario, arquitectura y cine, psicología de la percepción, estética.


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How to Cite

Pantaleón Panaro, C. (2023). The gesture of furniture. ARQUISUR Revista, 13(24), 104–123.