Information For Authors

Upcoming calls:

Nº 36 - first semester 2023. Deadline to send: April 1st     (will be published in June).

Nº 37 - second semester 2023. Deadline to send: September 1st     (will be published in December).

Papers with request for publication must be unpublished and not submitted to other journals or organs of diffusion in whatever form. Articles are subject to peer review, through the double-blind system, with external evaluators. Acceptance of manuscripts envolves the inclusion and distribution of full text through the Virtual Library of the Universidad Nacional del Litoral ( and the institutional repository - Academic Memory of FaHCE, Universidad Nacional de La Plata (, and in all specialized databases that the publisher considers appropriate for indexing, in order to increase the visibility of the journal.

Clío & Asociados. La historia enseñada does not apply charges for the processing of articles (APCs) nor for submission.


Rules for collaborators

1. Length of Articles. Up to 15 pages including summaries, notes, graphics, bibliography and annexes. Reviews of books, magazines or other material, up to 3 pages (the reviewed works must not exceed two years of publication).

2. General format. Presentation in Word, Open Word or compatible. The page size will be A4, vertically, with 2 cm in the left, right, top and bottom margins, without numbering. Font: Times New Roman, size 12. No indentation. Single line spacing.

3. Header. Title in Spanish and English, abstract in Spanish and English (length: 1000 characters with spaces), and 3 to 5 keywords (in Spanish and English).

4. Author data. Name and surname, institution of membership, email and Orcid number.

5. Textual quotations. Those that do not exceed the 4 extension lines will be located within the text body, with the same font as the text, in quotation marks. If its extension is greater than 4 lines, it should be located outside the text body, with a space above and one below, without quotation marks and in italics.

6. Notes. They understand clarifications or an extension of the subject that is treated, reason why they will not include bibliographical references. They will be inserted at the bottom of the page, after the word or punctuation mark without intermediate space. The numbering in the text body will begin at 1, it will be correlated, in Arabic numbers, superscript.

7. Bibliography. The references will follow the last version of APA (American Psychological Association) standards.

8. Tables, tables, figures and graphs. The correlative numbering must be kept. If it is an image (photo) the corresponding credit will be consigned: title of the image, author and year. Minimum resolution: 300 dpi.