Decisions and challenges in a postgraduate training process for education management


  • Milagros Sosa Sálico UNL
  • Marcelino Maina UNL
  • Julia Bernik UNL
  • Natalia Díaz UNL



postgraduate experience · interinstitutional actions · training for school management


In this article, we describe and analyze part
of a postgraduate training process carried out within
the framework of an agreement between Universidad
Nacional del Litoral (UNL) and the provincial Ministry
of Education (MEP, for its Spanish initials): the Master’s
Degree in Public Policies for Education (MPPE).
The objective of this Master's Degree was to provide
conceptual and methodological frameworks linked to
the management and governance of institutions at different
scales and levels within the education system,
particularly focusing on the province of Santa Fe. We
organized the analysis of the experience into four sections:
the first one takes up the general framework of the
emergence of the master's degree project; the second
section describes design and implementation features

of the second cohort, especially aimed at managers
in the provincial education system; and the third one
describes the development of two instances of this training
process: a Final Work-Support Workshop and
Internships. Both were relevant to academic production
and in light of the discussion on management practices.
Finally, reflections are shared around the implications of
this experience, which are considered as contributions
to both the improvement of a process of managerial
training and the optimization of public policies shared
by university and MEP.



How to Cite

Sosa Sálico, M., Maina, M., Bernik, J., & Díaz, N. (2019). Decisions and challenges in a postgraduate training process for education management. Itinerarios Educativos, (12), 149–160.



Experiences and projects