Impulsando competencias investigativas con “Coloquios dialógicos” en la enseñanza de la estadística aplicada


  • María Florencia Walz Departamento de Matemática, Facultad de Bioquímica y Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Argentina



dialogical colloquiums – statistics teaching – research project


Teaching competencies is becoming essential given the new formational approaches adopted by XXI century universities.

In particular, developing investigative skills in future graduates is of interest in all universities.

The teaching of Statistics through the simulation of a research project is a valid alternative to combine its theoretical concepts with real problems and functionally literate in the discipline and in the scientific activity.

This article details a methodological and structural variation in the teaching of Statistics by research project, naming the new didactic strategy: "Dialogical Colloquiums on Research Projects". Pretending with such denomination, to synthesize literally and semantically the actions involved in this strategy; whose premise is to deploy cognitive, investigative, attitudinal and executive skills through the applied functionality of Statistics in scientific research, with the dialogic turn that urges the community search for the construction of an object of understanding, considering that the same act of knowledge is in itself a dialogue between the subjects and reality, where each interlocutor puts his part and interests.


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Experiencias pedagógicas