Teach and learn History of Education in teacher training. The proposal of a course as an invitation to think of the teacher and the student as historical subjects





history of education, teacher training, historical subjects


In this paper I present a reflective account from the experience of teaching the history of education at the university level to students who are teachers or will be future teachers. In the first place, I make theoretical considerations that account for a perspective of thinking about history and its teaching and then delve into the development and analysis of class experiences that start from a didactic pedagogical position about the teaching of the history of education, in this particular case, for teacher training. Especially the experience report is focused on proposals for activities that seek not only to think and problematize history, but also its teaching and learning. For this reason, it is intended to be a reflective work in relation to continuing to think and problematize the teaching of history in general, and in teacher training in particular, while it is proposed to open our eyes in relation to the incorporation of other historical subjects in classes of history.


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How to Cite

Morras, V. (2021). Teach and learn History of Education in teacher training. The proposal of a course as an invitation to think of the teacher and the student as historical subjects. Clío & Asociados. La Historia enseñada. ISSN: 2362-3063, (32). https://doi.org/10.14409/cya.v0i32.10200



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