The training of history teachers in Córdoba today: representations and challenges to re-think our practices




initial teacher training, teaching, representations, reflective practices


This paper presents an initial reflection on some of the challenges faced in the two main spaces for teacher training in History in the jurisdiction of Córdoba: the Higher Teacher Training Institutes (Institutos Superiores de Formación Docente - ISFDs) and the National University of Córdoba (UNC). Taking as triggers two classic and powerful questions: what forms in teacher training and, more specifically and what is needed to be known and to know how to do to teach Social Sciences. Some of the main distinctive features of the aforementioned teacher training devices, will be reconstructed and analytically contrasted in order to present an approach to the meanings and representations that the students of Cohort 2023 express about the knowledge that would shape a History teacher. All this is a result of a teaching strategy tried in the two places of Higher Education mentioned above. These representations may be read as challenges and provocative starting points for those of us who, on a daily basis, assume the task of participating in teacher training courses in History and Social Sciences, accompanying students in the construction of their own ways of exercising the teaching profession.



How to Cite

Mera, M. N., & Ehdad Avaca, V. (2023). The training of history teachers in Córdoba today: representations and challenges to re-think our practices. Clío & Asociados. La Historia enseñada. ISSN: 2362-3063, (37), e0024.