Editorial guidelines
Clio y Asociados. La historia enseñada is a journal published twice a year. There are two calls a year, open and disseminated through different channels.
Submission deadline for the June edition: April 1
Submission deadline for the December edition: September 1
The works requested for publication must be unpublished and not submitted to other magazines or dissemination bodies, whatever their format. They will be subjected to peer evaluation, through a double-blind system, with external evaluators. The acceptance of manuscripts will imply the inclusion and dissemination of the full text through the Virtual Library of the National University of Litoral (bibliotecavirtual.unl.edu.ar), and the institutional repository - Academic Memory of the FaHCE, National University of La Plata (www.memoria.fahce.unlp.edu.ar), and in all those specialized databases that the editor considers appropriate for indexing, with a view to increasing the visibility of the journal.
Non-APC . Clio y Asociados. La historia enseñada does not apply charges for article processing or for submission.
Authorship statement
In case of the article sent to the journal has more than one author or has required the participation of other collaborators, the work must include, at the end, a declaration of the roles of authorship and participation. The taxonomy of academic collaboration networks (CRediT) lists the different collaboration roles such as data curation, conceptualization, writing (review and editing) or supervision, among others (https://hdlab.space/taxonomia). This taxonomy has the objective of providing credit to all the roles involved in a research process and guaranteeing that they are visualized and recognized during the communication of the results.
When there are no collaborative roles beyond authorship and the authors have shared the writing of the work, it may be declared: ‘X. and Y. jointly contributed to the writing of this article.’
Supporting research data
Authors who send articles to the journal must ensure the availability and preservation of the data used in them, in accordance with Law No. 26.899 on Digital Repositories. If the article is accepted, it is recommended that the data generated be deposited in one of the research data repositories (such as SciELO Data), prior to publication, so that the complete citation of the deposited data can be included in the article. The citation of the deposited data set must appear in the bibliographic references section of the resulting publication. Citing the data set allows authorship to be recognized and facilitates its location, validation and reuse, facilitates the metrics and impact of the data and favors the transparency of scientific research. Each data set and subset of data must be cited independently with its own DOI or similar.
Where it is not possible or feasible to make data openly available (due to confidentiality or sensitivity issues), it should be shared through a controlled access repository.
Rules for presentation of texts
1. Extension of the Articles. Up to 15 pages including summaries, notes, graphics, bibliography and annexes. Reviews of books, magazines or other material, up to 3 pages (the works reviewed must not be more than two years old after publication).
2. General format. Presentation in Word, Open Word or compatible. The page size will be A4, vertically, with 2 cm on the left, right, top and bottom margins, without numbering. The Times New Roman font will be used, size 12, without indentation and single spacing.
3. Header. The title must be entered in Spanish and English, summary in Spanish and English (length: 1000 characters with spaces), and 3 to 5 keywords (in Spanish and English).
4. Author information. Name and surname, institution of membership, e-mail and Orcid number.
5. Textual quotes. Those that do not exceed 4 lines in length will be located within the body of text, with the same font as the text, enclosed in quotation marks. If its length is greater than 4 lines, it must be located outside the body of the text, with a space above and one below, without quotes and in italics.
6. Notes. They include clarifications or an expansion of the topic being discussed, so they will not include bibliographic references. They will be inserted at the footer of the page, after the word or punctuation mark without intermediate space. The numbering in the body of text will begin at 1, it will be consecutive, in Arabic numerals, superscript.
7. Bibliography. References will follow the latest version of the APA (American Psychological Association) standards adapted to Spanish.
8. Charts, tables, figures and graphs. The consecutive numbering must be preserved. If it is an image (photo), the corresponding credit will be included: image title, author and year. Minimum resolution: 300 dpi.
Examples of bibliographical references
Ranciere, J. (2007). El maestro ignorante: cinco lecciones sobre la emancipación intelectual. Libros del Zorzal.
Pappier, V. y Morras, V. (2008). La construcción de la memoria en la escuela: Una mirada a los actores y conflictos que genera la conmemoración del 24 de marzo. Clio & Asociados. La historia enseñada, 12, 173-192. https://doi.org/10.14409/cya.v1i12.1649
Journal article
Contreras, G. N. (4 de julio de 2019). Hacer historia, enseñar aprendiendo. Página 12. https://www.pagina12.com.ar/204102-hacer-historia-ensenar-aprendiendo
Thesis or dissertation
Valtuille, F. (2021). Enseñar Historia en la escuela secundaria: exploraciones sobre saberes y prácticas docentes al sur del conurbano bonaerense. [Tesis de Maestría en Ciencias Sociales con orientación en Educación, FLACSO]. https://repositorio.flacsoandes.edu.ec/handle/10469/17733?locale=en
Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura. (1 de octubre de 2018). Nuevos datos revelan que en el mundo uno de cada tres 50 adolescentes sufre acoso escolar. https://es.unesco.org/news/nuevos-datosrevelan-que-mundo-cada-tres-adolescentes-sufre-acoso-escolar
Seminar, Congress, Symposium or Conference
Jara, M. y Moreno, T. (7-9 de noviembre de 2012). La construcción de propuesta de enseñanza de la ciudadanía en contextos de crisis y conflictos socio-económicos. XIV Jornadas Nacionales y III Jornadas Internacionales de Enseñanza de la Historia, Río Cuarto, Córdoba, Argentina.
Laws and legal documents
Ley Federal de Educación N° 24195 de 1993. Por la cual se modifica el sistema educativo nacional. 29 de abril de 1993. BO del 05/05/93, N° 27632.