Hierarchize the university extension from academic writing. 10 years of + E: Magazine of University Extension





university extension, E: Revista de Extensión Universitaria, academic writing


This section will present + E's 10–year journey in the field of university extension.
Inscribed in the communication and internationalization policy of university extension, it was proposed to constitute a space for debate and theoretical, epistemological and political reflection on the way of thinking and doing extension in Latin America and the Caribbean. With the same intensity, it was proposed to associate academic writing with the social function from the conceptual and argumentative rigor, which is one of the ways of prioritizing it.
Project the discussions around which university we need, for whom do we imagine them; what guiding values will guide them, for what models of development and democracy we propose them and who should participate in this debate, is the contribution to which the magazine is committed.


AUGM (2020). Documento preliminar de la creación Red de Editores de Revistas de Extensión Universitaria (REDREU) de AUGM. Mimeo.

Cano Menoni, A. (2017). La extensión universitaria y la universidad latinoamericana: hacia un nuevo “orden de anticipación” a 100 años de la revuelta estudiantil de Córdoba. +E: Revista de Extensión Universitaria, 7(7), 6–23. https://doi.org/10.14409/extension.v0i7.7047

Iucci, C. (2020). +E: Revista de Extensión Universitaria. Informe 2011–2020. https://hdl.handle.net/11185/5577

Menéndez, G. (2017). Resignificación de la extensión a 100 años de la Reforma Universitaria de 1918. +E: Revista de Extensión Universitaria, 7(7), 24–37. https://doi.org/10.14409/extension.v0i7.7048

Tommasino, H.; Cano, A. (2016). Modelos de extensión universitaria en las universidades latinoamericanas en el siglo XXI: tendencias y controversias. Universidades, (67), 7–24 Unión de Universidades de América Latina y el Caribe Distrito Federal.

Stein, N. (2018). La extensión–comunicación universitaria disputando el lugar de la investigación como fuente de conocimiento. Un recorrido histórico hasta los enfoques actuales. +E: Revista de Extensión Universitaria, 8(9), 14–37. https://doi.org/10.14409/extension.v8i9.Jul-Dic.7866



How to Cite

Iucci, C. (2020). Hierarchize the university extension from academic writing. 10 years of + E: Magazine of University Extension. +E: University Extension Journal, 10(13.Jul-Dic), e0022. https://doi.org/10.14409/extension.2020.13.Jul-Dic.e0022