Model to formulate and evaluate environmental projects in dairy farms.


  • M. I. CASTIGNANI Grupo de Economía Agraria Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias (UNL).
  • N. ROSSLER Grupo de Economía Agraria Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias (UNL)
  • O. OSAN Grupo de Economía Agraria Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias (UNL)
  • M. E. MANSILLA Alumno de la Maestría en Negocios Agroalimentarios (FCA-FCE UNL), Coordinador del programa Gra- duado Embajador, UNL.
  • M. N. ROSTAGNO Ingeniero Agrónomo. Asesor privado. San Francisco, provincia de Córdoba.



Simulation models, Excel application for the agricultural sector, Ambiental Project evaluation


The objective of this paper is to present an application in Excel. It was developed on excel spreadsheets to assess economic and financial convenience of the investments required to implement a corrective action plan for the management of effluents generated in the productive process of dairy farms, in order to improve or mitigate negative environmental impacts. The model allows determining the costs associated with mitigation measures and the incomes associated with the damages avoided. Both are included in a cash flow of the evaluated project. The benefit of the project is compared with the benefits obtained in the current situation of the company without a project applying the evaluation criteria to the incremental benefit: Net present value, internal rate of return and repayment period. The proposed model works to support the decision-making process, generating systematized and quality information based on data from real dairy farms.



How to Cite

CASTIGNANI, M. I., ROSSLER, N., OSAN, O., MANSILLA, M. E., & ROSTAGNO, M. N. (2020). Model to formulate and evaluate environmental projects in dairy farms. FAVE Sección Ciencias Agrarias, 19(1), 7–16.

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