Terapia Ocupacional y currículum: Cambios, tensiones y continuidades de las propuestas formativas en la Universidad Nacional del Litoral (1986-2013)


  • Mauro Demichelis Cátedra de Diseño de Trabajo Final y Proyecto Final de Carrera. Escuela Superior de Sanidad Dr. “Ramón Carrillo” (ESS). Facultad de Bioquímica y Ciencias Biológicas (FBCB). Universidad Nacional del Litoral (UNL)




Terapia ocupacional -curriculum


The study aims to describe the changes, tensions and continuities of the training proposals of the UNL degree. The factory curricular archetype of a “litoralizada” OT is described through the discursive formations present in the designs of the organizational structure, the study plans and programs of specific chairs of the profession from the years 1986, 1997 and 2013.

In dialogue with the Archeology of Knowledge by Michael Foucault (2005), the content organization criteria of curricular formats (Camilloni, 2016), what is written and stated (De Alba, 1993) are described, analyzing the formats of curricular documents and experiences. training of graduates in each of the periods studied.

The plans build pedagogical discursive spaces in historical perspective on Occupational Therapy (OT) training focused on the development of technical skills, especially in institutions in the field of health. Practices that state, above all, those practical structural aspects of the curriculum.

We infer that the training of occupational therapists requires building new training instances calling for greater dialogue between the demands of society and academic demands so that favorable scenarios that demand the interconnection and combination of knowledge specific to OT are made visible in curricular terms. along with other disciplines.

A marked tendency is evident in most of the programs analyzed towards statements from other professions and disciplines about health states, intervention conditions and work methodologies. These variations drag a discursive domain where the units are the names given to the subjects and their contents. Units expressed in order of generality are present and overlapping and, which separate discourses, clearing the traces that come into tension (therapeutic training versus professional training of OT), establishing theoretical, pedagogical and political blank spaces that merit new analyses.


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