Historical awareness of Mexican youth and its relationship with the notion of citizenship





citizenship, political culture, historical culture


The purpose was to elucidate how the interpretation of the past takes action in the notion of citizenship of high school students from Querétaro in relation to the Mexican Republic. A selective quantitative methodology (data from the Americas Barometer Project and Resident Project data) was implemented to interpret them qualitatively. It is exposed a) problematization of the construct of citizenship in relation to historical consciousness and culture; b) comparison of data from  the Resident Project for Querétaro (Latapí  and Rivas, 2021, 2022), applied to young people aged 16 to 18 in 2019,   with national data on 18-year-olds from the Barometer of the Americas,  2021; c) results provide agreement  on the concept of depoliticized and static citizenship associated with legalistic rules, not built on participation but on the observance of moral norms. This is associated with the prevailing historical culture and historical consciousness.



How to Cite

Latapí Escalante, P., & Rivas Servín, E. D. (2023). Historical awareness of Mexican youth and its relationship with the notion of citizenship. Clío & Asociados. La Historia enseñada. ISSN: 2362-3063, (36), e0012. https://doi.org/10.14409/cya.2023.36.e0012