
About the Journal

+E is a semi-annual publication of the Secretary of Extension and Culture of the UNL. +E is a space for theoretical-methodological discussion on university extension policies and actions implemented in Latin America and the Caribbean. Based on a central theme that is renewed annually, the academic community, together with local governments and civil society organizations that work on extension projects, can submit their writings in the sections owned by the magazine. +E is indexed and published in two languages: spanish and portuguese.


Convocatoria 2025


15 años escribiendo la extensión, ¡15 años de +E!

Volumen 15: 2025
plazo de presentación 17 de marzo.
#23: plazo de presentación 31 de julio.

Idiomas: español, portugués e inglés, según sea el país de origen de las autoras y los autores.

Read more about Convocatoria 2025

Current Issue

No. 21.Jul-Dic (2024): +E: "Methodological approaches in university extension"
					View No. 21.Jul-Dic (2024): +E: "Methodological approaches in university extension"

Methodological approaches in university extension: potentialities, limitations and challenges regarding practices

The methodological problem is strongly identified by the university community. Without losing sight of the fact that the question of “how” is inextricably linked to the question “from what approaches”, volume 14 of +E focuses attention on ways of approaching social interventions according to the confluence of disciplinary perspectives and how those of extension. Both qualitative and quantitative approaches are objects of argument and analysis, depending on the relevance (which makes it possible to make visible and act according to the proposed objectives), the potential and limitations of the selected instruments or their effectiveness within the extension process.

Cover photo: Hugo Pascucci

Published: 2024-11-28


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