Extension and research integration: another way to build knowledge? Approaches, policies and practices from the Universidad Nacional del Litoral


  • Carlos Abeledo Profesor Honorario Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Consultor Nacional e Internacional en Política, Gestión y Evaluación de Ciencia y Tecnología.
  • Gustavo Menéndez Coordinador “Escuela de Formación en Política y Gestión de la Educación Superior”. Director Centro Universitario Gálvez. Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Argentina.




extension, oriented research, social appropriation of knowledge, innovation


In this article we propose to address various aspects and approaches of the integration of extension with research from the recognition of academic trajectories and management experiences that we have been doing in different areas linked to higher education institutions.In this work we will focus our attention on the Universidad Nacional del Litoralin order to reflect and problematize the processes of generation, circulation, appropriation and democratization of knowledge, through questions such as: What knowledge are we talking about? Knowledge for what and for whom? Who uses that knowledge and for what purpose? How are research agendas defined? Can only the scientific community define the relevance and relevance of what is being investigated? Is it possible to think of other ways of producing relevant and validated knowledge than those traditionally known? What significance do we give to the processes of social appropriation of knowledge and innovation?



How to Cite

Abeledo, C., & Menéndez, G. (2018). Extension and research integration: another way to build knowledge? Approaches, policies and practices from the Universidad Nacional del Litoral. +E: University Extension Journal, 8(9), 96–110. https://doi.org/10.14409/extension.v8i9.Jul-Dic.7849