No. 16.Ene-Jun (2022): +E: "Comunicación en extensión universitaria"
Communication in university extension: dimensions, policies and frameworks in social practices
Convergently linking communication with extension enables us to think about this relationship from multiple aspects. Communication makes it possible to make visible and configure meanings and capacities in terms of socialization. It affects the educational fabric that is established from the practices, creates social ties and favors the interaction between different actors. It generates conditions of possibility for the collectivization of interests and the construction of the "common" from the differences. Bet on building and tightening the public agenda on socially relevant problems.
From a series of lines, communication is enabled to be thought of as a constitutive dimension of extension, as an institutional policy in the departments or extension areas, or as part of the project framework.
Cover photo: Untitled image (frag.) by PublicDomainPictures on Pixabay