Teaching experiences that stress the androcentric disciplinary code of history





disciplinary code of history, androcentrism, history of women, gender


The teaching of history in Argentina, has been characterized by its rote, nationalist, Eurocentric imprint (De Amézola, 2008, 2020, Finocchio, 2009, González, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019) and a strong presence of hegemonic masculinities (Connell, 1997), in different versions, according to the time and space that is being studied. The relevance given to the male subject, from the "great men" and then from history "from below", contrasts with the low visibility that has been given to women, as actresses of the past, as well as dissidents. In this way, an androcentric disciplinary code was built and entrenched in school history. From this framework, and based on teaching voices, this paper analyzes the history taught, identifying changes and continuities, in order to map the scope and limitations of the history of women and gender.



How to Cite

Rocha, M. (2023). Teaching experiences that stress the androcentric disciplinary code of history . Clío & Asociados. La Historia enseñada. ISSN: 2362-3063, (37), e0025. https://doi.org/10.14409/cya.2023.37.e0025