La historia mapuche en el currículo y los textos escolares: reflexiones desde la memoria social mapuche para repensar la enseñanza del despojo territorial




history teaching, native groups, Mapuche culture, textbooks


In this article we argue that a consequence of the social invisibility of the Mapuche people in the teaching of history in Chile consists in the cover-up of the territorial dispossession carried out by the State in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. To this end, we conducted in-depth interviews with Mapuche authorities between La Region de La Araucanía and La Región de los Ríos, in Chile. In addition, we analyze the way in which the Occupation of the Araucanía is represented in textbooks and in the history curriculum in Basic Education. The research is qualitative and the design follows a case study in which a triangulation of the data is sought. The findings show a contradiction between the official history of school texts and the oral memory of the Mapuche authorities. The conclusions point to the formation of teachers as critical professionals who question the official accounts to build a critical citizenship.



How to Cite

Sanhueza Rodríguez, A., Pagès Blanch, J., & González Monfort, N. (2020). La historia mapuche en el currículo y los textos escolares: reflexiones desde la memoria social mapuche para repensar la enseñanza del despojo territorial. Clío & Asociados. La Historia enseñada. ISSN: 2362-3063, (31), 50–62.



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